A delicious Recipes is actually required by everyone, just because a delicious Recipes may be the beginning of your happy family. Hence for you personally housewives, create scrumptious, delicious and wholesome dishes. Recipes or menu for Saus Pizza Mudah I, you've located it, listed below are available thousands of delicious menus meals, the Saus Pizza Mudah I recipes is among the favorite menus with this blog.
Saus Pizza Mudah I |
"Saus pizza sederhana yang digunakan oleh banyak pizzeria. Ketebalan saus diatur oleh jumlah air yang digunakan; itu harus agak kental."
Ingredients :
- 1 (6 ons) pasta tomat
- 1 1/2 gelas air
- 1/3 cangkir minyak zaitun extra virgin
- 2 siung bawang putih, cincang
- garam secukupnya
- lada hitam secukupnya
- 1/2 sendok makan oregano kering
- 1/2 sendok makan kemangi kering
- 1/2 sendok teh rosemary kering, dilumatkan
Instructions :
Prep : | Cook : 8M | Ready in : |
- Campur bersama pasta tomat, air, dan minyak zaitun. Campur dengan baik. Tambahkan bawang putih, garam, dan lada secukupnya, oregano, basil, dan rosemary. Aduk rata dan diamkan beberapa jam untuk membiarkan rasa menyatu. Tidak perlu memasak, cukup oleskan di atas adonan.
Notes :
If this Saus Pizza Mudah I recipe suits your family's flavor, please share, opinion and bookmark this web site, so others know very well what you know. Many thanks for the visit!
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