A delicious Recipes is actually required by everyone, just because a delicious Recipes may be the beginning of any happy family. Hence for you personally housewives, create tasty, delicious and healthy and balanced dishes. Recipes or menu for Steaks Mudah Menit, you've discovered it, listed below are available thousands of delicious food selection meals, the Steaks Mudah Menit recipes is among the favorite menus with this blog.
Steaks Mudah Menit |
"Ini resep termudah. Aku menyajikannya dengan kentang tumbuk dan roti gulung hangat."
Ingredients :
- 4 (1/2 pon) steak kubus (daging bulat ditumbuk)
- 1 (10,5 ons) dapat merebus sup Bawang Perancis
Instructions :
Prep : 15M | Cook : 4M | Ready in : 1H15M |
- Memanaskan lebih dulu oven ke 350 derajat F (175 derajat C).
- Dalam wajan besar di atas api sedang, kecokelatan sebentar dengan steak cube.
- Atur daging dalam satu lapis dalam loyang 13x9 inci dan tuangkan sup di atasnya. Panggang dalam oven panas selama 1 jam.
Notes :
- Reynolds® Aluminium foil dapat digunakan untuk menjaga makanan tetap lembab, memasaknya secara merata, dan memudahkan pembersihan.
If this Steaks Mudah Menit recipe fits your family's tastes, please share, opinion and bookmark this web site, so others know very well what you know. Many thanks for the check out!
Videos For Steaks Mudah Menit :
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