A delicious Recipes is actually wanted by everyone, just because a delicious Recipes may be the beginning of an happy family. Consequently for you personally housewives, create delightful, delicious and balanced dishes. If you're after a Recipes or menu for Icing Chocolate Satu Menit, you've identified it, listed below are available thousands of delicious menus food, the Icing Chocolate Satu Menit recipes is among the favorite menus with this blog.
Icing Chocolate Satu Menit |
"Ini adalah icing seperti fudge rebus"
Ingredients :
- 1 cangkir gula putih
- 1/2 cangkir bubuk kakao tanpa pemanis
- 1/4 gelas susu
- 1/4 cangkir mentega
- 1 sendok teh ekstrak vanila
Instructions :
Prep : 5M | Cook : 12M | Ready in : 15M |
- Dalam panci, campurkan gula, bubuk kakao, susu, mentega, dan vanila. Didihkan, aduk terus, dan masak selama 1 menit. Angkat dari api. Menggunakan mixer listrik, kocok icing selama 3 menit, atau sampai campuran mendingin dan mengental untuk menyebarkan konsistensi. Menyebar ke kue yang benar-benar dingin.
Notes :
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Videos For Icing Chocolate Satu Menit :
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