A delicious Recipes is actually wanted by everyone, just because a delicious Recipes may be the beginning of an happy family. Hence for you personally housewives, create delightful, delicious and healthful dishes. If you're after a Recipes or menu for Country Manor Breakfast Tart, you've discovered it, listed below are available thousands of delicious menus meals, the Country Manor Breakfast Tart recipes is among the favorite menus with this blog.
Country Manor Breakfast Tart |
Saya tidak bisa percaya semua rasa dan tekstur surgawi dalam hidangan ini ketika saya pertama kali mencobanya. Dibutuhkan sedikit kerja tetapi pasti sepadan dengan usaha!
Ingredients :
- 4 cangkir tepung serbaguna
- 1 sendok makan gula putih
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 2 sendok teh garam
- 1 ¾ cangkir shortening
- ½ gelas air dingin
- 1 butir telur
- 1 sendok makan cuka
- 8 potong daging asap
- 1 sendok makan mentega
- ½ gelas bawang cincang
- ⅓ cangkir ham asap yang dipotong halus
- 3 cangkir krim kental
- 8 butir telur, kocok
- ¼ garam sendok teh
- ½ sendok teh lada hitam yang baru ditumbuk
- ¼ sendok teh pala
- 3 sendok makan kemangi segar cincang halus
- 1 sendok makan thyme segar, dicacah
- 1 (3 ons) paket krim keju, potong dadu
- ½ cangkir keju Cheddar parut
- ½ cangkir keju Monterey Jack diparut
- 1 ikat bawang hijau, dicacah
- ⅓ cangkir irisan almond
Instructions :
Prep : 1H | Cook : 210M | Ready in : 1H40M |
Notes :
If this Country Manor Breakfast Tart recipe complements your family's style, please share, opinion and bookmark this web site, so others know very well what you know. Many thanks for the check out!
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